Huaheng New Materials has developed into a comprehensive enterprise integrating production and trade. The company has its own production base and has also become a sales agent for several large steel in the province. The company's business is becoming more and more mature.
Shandong Huaheng New Material Co., Ltd. specializes in building materials, and its products mainly involve: galvanized sheet, galvanized sheet, cold-rolled sheet, color-coated sheet, guardrail and other transportation facilities.
Huaheng New Materials has an annual export earnings of more than 20 million US dollars; its products are sold to Europe, Asia, South America and other countries, and a stable sales network and customer base have been formed.
The company adheres to the business philosophy of "honesty, customer first, high quality, and social service", and has established a complete quality assurance system.
Huaheng New Materials se ha convertido en una empresa integral que integra producción y comercio. La empresa tiene su propia base de producción y también se ha convertido en un agente de ventas para varias siderúrgicas importantes en la provincia. El negocio de la compa?ía es cada vez más maduro.
Shandong Huaheng New Material Co., Ltd. se especializa en materiales de construcción y sus productos incluyen principalmente: láminas galvanizadas, láminas galvanizadas, láminas laminadas en frío, láminas recubiertas de color, barandas y otras instalaciones de transporte.
Huaheng New Materials tiene ingresos de exportación anuales de más de 20 millones de dólares estadounidenses; sus productos se venden a Europa, Asia, América del Sur y otros países, y se ha formado una red de ventas estable y una base de clientes.
La empresa se adhiere a la filosofía comercial de "honestidad, cliente primero, alta calidad y servicio social", y ha establecido un sistema completo de garantía de calidad.
Bobina galvanizada y lámina galvanizada se refiere a sumergir láminas de acero en un tanque de zinc fundido para adherir una capa de zinc en su superficie. Utiliza principalmente la tecnología del proceso de galvanizado continuo, lo que significa colocar un rollo de placa de acero de forma continua en el tanque de revestimiento de zinc fundido para fabricar una placa de acero galvanizado de aleación. Esta placa de acero también se fabrica mediante la tecnología de inmersión en caliente, que se calienta a unos 500 ℃ inmediatamente después de la cubeta, de modo que genera una película de aleación de zinc y hierro. Esta bobina galvanizada tiene buena adherencia del revestimiento y capacidad de soldadura.
La capa de zinc del producto es de Z20g a Z275g, el grosor es de 0,11-0,6 mm, el ancho es de hasta 1250 mm
La galvanización es un método rentable de prevención de la oxidación que se usa con frecuencia y aproximadamente la mitad de la producción de zinc se usa en este proceso. La placa de acero galvanizado se utiliza para evitar la corrosión de la superficie de la placa de acero para prolongar su vida útil. Revestimiento con una capa de zinc metálico en la superficie de la placa de acero se denomina placa galvanizada.
According to the production and processing methods, it can be divided into the following categories:
1.Hot dip galvanized steel sheet. This kind of steel sheet is dipped into a melted zinc tank to adhere a layer of zinc on its surface. It mainly uses the technology of continuous galvanizing process,which means put a roll of steel plate continuously into the melting zinc plating tank to make galvanized steel plate.
2.Alloy galvanized steel sheet. This kind of steel sheet is also made by the technology of hot dip, but heated to about 500℃immediately after the trough , so that it generates an alloy film of zinc and iron. This kind of galvanized coil has good coating adhesion and weld-ability.
3.Galvanized steel sheet. This kind of galvanized steel sheet is made by electroplating and has good machinability. But the coating is thin so that the corrosion resistance is not as good as hot dip galvanized sheet;
4.Single-sided galvanized steel plate and double-sided difference galvanized steel plate. Single-sided galvanized steel plate refers to the product with only one side of galvanized. In welding, coating, rust treatment, processing and other aspects, it has better adaptability than double-sided galvanized sheet. In order to overcome the shortcomings of single galvanized sheet, another side of the galvanized sheet is also coated with a thin layer of zinc, that is, double-sided difference galvanized sheet;
Advantages of galvanized sheet: strong corrosion resistance. It can prevent the surface of steel plate from being corroded to prolong its service life. And galvanized sheet looks very clean, more beautiful, which increases its decorative effect. Its strong surface antioxidant capacity enhances rust resistance ability
Galvanized sheet is mainly used in air conditioning, refrigerator and other industries. For example, the rear panel of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, the rear panel of the cabinet, and the indoor chassis are all made of galvanized sheet. these places will encounter rain, sun, hot gas corrosion and other strong oxidation conditions. Therefore, galvanized sheet is often chosen in those working environments.
Galvanized sheet is mainly used in construction, household appliances, automobile and metallurgy industries. Among them, in the construction industry,it is mainly used for roof, doors and Windows, rolling curtain doors, ceiling keel and so on.;In the household appliances, it is used for refrigerators, washing machines and so on; In the automobile industry, it is mainly used for body shell, chassis, doors, fuel tank, fender and so on. ; In the metallurgical industry, it is mainly used for steel window billet, color coated plate substrate and so on.
Zinc layer is from 20g to 275g.The higher the zinc layer, the longer service life and greater corrosion resistance.
Coating definition:
1.Normal spangle coating. In the normal solidification process of zinc layer, zinc grains grow freely and form a layer with obvious zinc flower morphology .
2.Minimized spangle coating. In the solidification process of zinc layer, zinc grains are artificially limited and form a layer with as small zinc flower morphology as possible.
3.Spangle-free coating.By adjusting the chemical composition of the bath, the coating has uniform surface without visible zinc flower morphology.
4.Zinc-iron alloy coating. The whole coating zinc form a zinc and iron alloy layer after the heating treatment of the steel strip through the zinc bath. The appearance of the coating is dark gray without metallic luster. It is easy to powder in the process of violent molding, so it is suitable for coating that can be directly painted without further treatment besides general cleaning. 5.Differential coating. For both sides of galvanized steel sheet, different zinc layer weight coating is required.
6.Skin pass. Skin pass is a cold rolling processing of galvanized steel with a minimal amount of deformation for one or more of the following purposes:
Improve the surface appearance of galvanized steel plate to make it suitable for decorative coating; The finished product can not see the processing of the slip line (Luders line) or the phenomenon of folding temporarily reduced to minimum
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